Are you familiar with the buzz words around “customer experience” like journey mapping, multi or omnichannel communications, CRM, IVR, data visualization, AI, knowledge management, etc. ?
Are you struggling to decide how to prioritize and build a business case for change or don’t you know what “specific problem you are trying to solve” but you know you have to do something to improve the customer experience.
Then step back and begin with a Customer Management Audit, Assessment, and Benchmarking initiative to roadmap where you should start the transformation and modernization journey.
This is how:
You will get a management tool that supports you
to make your customer service measurable and comparable,
to identify areas for improvement
to foresightfully take measures for improvement.
Already by participating in the survey you benefit a lot, as you get:
a check if your current set of KPI's is complete
a documentation of your current performance on the base the established, state-of-the-art set of KPI's (based on the Norm ISO 18295 / EN 15838)
first feedback as to the state of your service operation
the management summary of the market report
the option to upgrade for the benchmarking product in the Service Excellence Cockpit
Full benefit you will get once you secure the benchmarking products:
a neutral „mirror“ of your own service operation compared to the market and to relevant peers,
a documentation of your performance towards your clients, suppliers and your management,
input for your improvement process.
It may help to answer questions such as:
Where in your service center there is room for improvement and how can you exploit it?
How to improve customer satisfaction?
In which way do we need to design our services and processes to improve operational efficiency?
In which areas do we need to improve the quality at the touchpoints in order to improve the competitiveness of the organisation?
Where are the levers to reduce complaints?
How can we improve employee satisfaction?
In 2014, the Swiss Contact Center Association “” came to the conclusion that their members are investing in average 26 days in training- and 8 days in coaching per agent and year, well above country average. This finding was published several and used to promote its training sessions as well as the membership. is actively participating in the further development of the Service Excellence Cockpit and by doing so ensures that market data relevant for the association are captured and it publishes these data to their members.
There is also the possibilty to create specific offers to members of the association, like providing the last year market for free if a member participates in the survey.
With the “Service Excellence Cockpit” the consultant can help customers by gathering and analysing the data and thus build up cooperation for the further deployment of the service center.
For data protection reasons, in any case, the cockpit is licensed by the client.
On average, the Service Excellence Cockpit saves an experienced consulting company three days effort for a customer service analysis. In addition, the cockpit provides hard facts in comparison with more than 200 contact centers. You can develop in a rather simple way a common language with the client and for possible measures you identify you can quickly prepared a business case for the client’s decision makers.
With a shared analysis of the data you are likely to identify measures that potentially lead to consulting mandates in the years to come.
Crystal Benchmark AG does not pay kickbacks to consultants in order to ensure the independence and data protection.